How to RESET YOUR LIFE in 15 Minutes

1. Put away devices + Grab a pen and paper

Your iPhone is great for many things. Getting clarity is not one of them.
Drop the phone.
Grab a pen.

2. Write down your 3-5 biggest goals

Use Warren Buffett's 5/25 Rule:
1. Write down your top 25 goals.
2. Circle the top 5 (or fewer).
3. Focus on only those 5.

3. Assign a daily action to each of your goals

For each one of your goals, choose a small daily habit that will move the needle towards it.
Goal: Read more books
Daily action: Read 10 pages

4. Write down your ideal daily schedule

From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed, what would your routinte look like if it was built to hit each one of your needle-moving habits?
Write it down.
Be specific.

5. Write down your current daily schedule

Now repeat step 4, but this time write down what your routine actually looks like.
Compare it to your "ideal" day.
Note the biggest differences and plan how you can improve.

6. Execute

Take action right now.
Do the smallest possible task that will move you towards one of your goals.
The last thing we want is for this to become mental masturbation.
You've built a plan.